Der Dalai Lama kommt zu Besuch; wie renoviere ich mein Badezimmer?
(The Dalai Lama comes to attendance; how do I recondition my bathroom?)
A new computer game from
Swell Productions.
This fantastic computer game with 3D graphics and Dolby Surround Sound can be
ordered eg. here.
Some in-game pictures:

You're worried: Is His Holiness going to like your bathroom?
You can choose from an enormous assortment of...
...baths... create a new bathroom:
And when His Holiness returns...

You lost the game: His Holiness does not like your bathroom!

You won the game: His Holiness is delighted!
Some Tips
1.) His Holiness is a
, so do not use furs, skulls,
bones and ivory!
2.) Avoid moose-heads!
3.) His Holiness' favourite color is red!
4.) Choose natural accessoires!